Party: Writing for Game Workshop
Main page > Push Comedy Theater > Writing for Game Workshop
Upcoming: 10
Date: 27.08.2015 19:00
Address: 763 Granby St, Norfolk, United States | show on the map »
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Writing for Game
This class will be an in depth look at how to write "game" for sketch comedy.
Brad McMurran will show you how to create a simple game for your character, plus explore the principles of straight man versus crazy man, fish out of water, and more.
We will create a "skeleton" for 12 to 16 scenes and then perform them during Brad's Happy Hour on Sunday, August 30th.
This is a 3 day workshop:
Thursday, August 27th from 7pm to 10pm
Saturday, August 29th from 1pm to 4pm
Sunday, August 30th from 1pm to 4pm
Final performance Sunday, August 3oth at 7pm
Writing for Game Workshop
3 day workshop at the Push Comedy Theater
Cost: $90