Party: Schwing! A Most Excellent Wayne's World Party

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Party: Schwing! A Most Excellent Wayne's World Party

Ex-squeeze me? Baking powder? Wayne's World?

Magically whisk yourself away to the wailing dive that is The Flying Duck for a night of hurlable hair rock (No Stairway. Denied).

<<> FROTH <>
it's true...if you book them, they will come


One "lucky" punter will leave with a bonafide Queen album.

Tokens and gimmicks abound

£5 (Discount in CRUCIAL COSTUME)


Invited: Jackson Marlette, Robbie Smith, David Tobin, Nicholas Herd, Zara Gladman, Laurie Pitt, Sander van den Driesche, Chet Harbinger, James T Mckay, Ewen G Cameron, Alastair Headden, Paul Grady, Corrie Gillies, Alastair Chivers, Ruth Gallacher, Brian Pokora, Katt Marr, Ashleigh Louise, Carra Henrietta, Claire Galbraith, Alex Misick show more »