Party: Warren Haynes Presents: Christmas Jam By Day!

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Party: Warren Haynes Presents: Christmas Jam By Day!


Blu Bop: A Tribute to the Music of Bela Fleck and the Flecktones
The Broadcast
Jahman Brahman
Love Canon
The Marcus King Band
Rumpelsteelskin (ft. Ed WIlliams, Andrew Campanelli, George Gekas & Michael Girardot of The Revivalists)
Trouble ft. Aaron "Woody" Wood & Shane Pruitt

Invited: Hannah Mullenix, Dima Ablessky, Rachel Crout, Bonnie Forrester, Chelsey Grey, Tyler Addison Davis, Sam Marshall, Kate Katz, Ryan Opoly, Kelly A. Calhoun, Ben Schroeder, Kaycie Clymer, Casey Chanatry, May LaDouceur, Michael Gregory Garfield, Carter BGoode, Dan Wedge, Kevin Green, Johanna Hagarty, La Ura Fox, Chris Perella show more »
