Party: Guildball "Frozen Balls" Tournament

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Club: The Grid - Doncaster

Upcoming: 0
Date: 10.01.2016 09:30
Address: , Doncaster, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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Party: Guildball "Frozen Balls" Tournament


With Xmas out of the way your teams will be full of Ale and Christmas pud no doubt, nothing like a good dose of winter Guildball to get them ready for the summer competitions ahead! On Sunday 10th January 2016 the Grid in Doncaster will be hosting one of the first tournaments of the year to kick the year off with a bang.

Tickets will be £15 per person which include lunch on the day.

Prize support includes Custom T-shirts and Hoodie


Tournament Length :- ‘It’s not over, ‘til it’s over’

In this format a tournament takes place over a set number of rounds with the victor and runners up being determined only after the final round has been completed. Use the table below to determine the number of rounds recommended based on the number of players at the tournament.

Game length :- ' Play to the final whistle'

• A Match ends when one player reaches 12 VP

Round Length ‘Team Tactics’

Chess clocks are set to 45 minutes per player.

Admin/Clocked out time is 20 minutes total with clocked out players being allowed 1-minute activations.

Round length is 110 minutes total.

Team Rosters:- 'Strength in Depth 6'

This roster selection method lets T.O.’s allow the use of larger squads. The T.O. will decide on the number of models each player can use in addition to their captain and mascot. For season 1 of Guild Ball Tournaments this is capped at 8. Tournament players are then allowed to include up to this number of models (replacing X at step 4 below with the number decided on by the T.O.) on their team roster.

1. Select a guild to use.
2. Select an eligible captain model
3. Select an eligible mascot model
4. Select 6 eligible models from your Guild and/or eligible Union models.

Match Roster Selection:- ‘Hide the team sheet!’

At step C of the pre-match sequence players record in secret the 6 models from their team roster (including one captain and one mascot) that will be active for this match. They then simultaneously reveal the 6 active models.

Teams must be fully painted and based.

Players are requested to bring a chess clock or timing device to use during games. There are a number of smart phone apps that work really well.


09:00- 09:45 - Registration, instruction and first round pairings.

09;45-11;45 – Round 1

11:45-12:00 – Round 2 Draw and laying teams out for best painted judging.

12:00-12:45 – Lunch

12:45-14:35 – Round 2

14:45-16:35 – Round 3

16:45-18:35 – Round 4

18:45-18:50 – Awards and home.

Paid Entrants

1) Rick Miller

2) Andrew Morris

3) Simon Coates

4) Ben Redmond

5) Jacob Redmond

6) Steve Newton

7) Jack Newton

8) Darren Hay

9) George Perkins

10) Mathew Parker

11) Jason Greenwood

12) Owen Rutter

13) Chris Rutter

14) Chris Andrews

15) Greg Day

16) Saren Roberts

17) Miles Sprakes

18) Ben Allen

19) Chris Hay

20) Luke Foster

21) David Wyatt-Millington

22) James Coleman

23) Alain Watson

24) Mark Pattison

25) Simon Burdett

26) Jonathan Cannon

27) James Kingwell

28) Craig Galbraith

29) Daniel Garnett

30) Tim Ireland

31) Robert Taylor

32) annette duggan

Waiting List
Rhys Jones
Jamie Giblin
Jay Finnegan
Myk Myers