Party: house is like...

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house is like...

Club: Sabotage Dresden

Upcoming: 67
Date: 02.10.2014 23:00
Address: Bautzner Strasse 75 HH, Dresden-Neustadt, Germany | show on the map »

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The Kingsize Boogiemen 00:00 @ Evergreen Pub Dresden

Party: house is like...

house is like präsentiert:

„Sabotage Act: house is like ...“ mit:

- Zampi (We:edit Records/ Berlin)
- Gunther (Monday Edition/ Berlin)
- Spunky (Jus dance/ Dresden)


Wann: 02.10.2014/ 23:00 Uhr
Wer: Zampi, Gunther, Spunky, Ole, Ike
Wo: Sabotage/ Bautzner Str. 75 HH
Wie viel: tba
Was: House/Techno

Invited: Steve Columbo, Hanne Lore, Holm Winkler, Schadi Kor Ali, Pia Pistazie, Ike Elastic, Ronja Räubertochter, Ehud Goldstein, San Sander, Martin Hoffmann, Frau S. Hasche, Adrian Hillekamp, Kuttin Edge, Robert Meier, Christina Froemder, Nils Heinrich, Stephan Philipp, Carmen Karma, Rafi Tückisch, Zetti Fetzer, Lisa Charbonnier show more »
