Party: Pulse with Scott Diaz

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Party: Pulse with Scott Diaz

The Pulse presents a night with The Scot Diaz.
A night deep, tech, garage, classic, soulful vibes.

£8 Tickets
£8 with guest list -
£10 on the door


ID Required

Invited: Hannah-Marie Williams, Lotti Haxell, Sarah Sparrow, Constantinos Elefo P, Jacqui Dabell, Samantha Jane, Melin Sali, Toni Carrington, Kadija Kamara, Megan Joyner, Trods Hodgson, Ravi Khan, Nicola Maher, Antonis Frantzis, Vicky Yokota, Evonne Thomas, He Len, Shama Hussain, Lucie Mua, Simon Aronson, Justin Stovold show more »
