Its a great way of keeping fit and having fun and meeting new people as well.
Boxercise Classes are...
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Its a great way of keeping fit and having fun and meeting new people as well.
Boxercise Classes are from 10 - 11 on both mornings at €5 a class for all adults regardless of fitness levels all are welcome for a fun and energetic workout.
There is also a Junior class for the younger kids on a Monday evening for ages 6 and over and also on a Friday evening from 6 O Clock to 7 O Clock that is great fun for all the kids there is a small fee which is €2 subs per class. While the children are getting there fitness in there also having fun and socializing with other children of there own age and learning hand and feet coordination with the help of the trainers that are involved with the club.
There is also a class for the Seniors of a Monday and Friday evening from 6:30 O Clock to 8 O Clock for anyone that is 10 and over again there is a €2 subs per class.
t would be great to see a few friendly faces there and hopefully get Realt Na Mara out there for the great club that it is.
Also it would be great for everyone to see all the hard work that has been put into it from all involved and to have something in the community for the kids to go to especially with the miserable weather that we are getting as of late.
If anyone needs any information please contact ourselves for more information or add the page to see all our latest news and information. If you have any queries just send us a quick message and we will reply A.S.A.P.