Party: International TeCHNo party w Oku Miasta
Main page > Oko Miasta > International TeCHNo party w Oku Miasta
Upcoming: 11
Date: 21.11.2015 20:30
Address: Rondo im. Gen. J. Ziętka 1, Katowice, Poland | show on the map »
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Takiej imprezy w Oku Miasta jeszcze nie było!
Zapraszamy wszystkich TeCHNo maniaków na:
International TeCHNo party
Impreza organizowana jest przez Stowarzyszenie Muzyki Jutra z Polski oraz Stowarzyszenie Creative Urban Event ze Słowacji.
Dj Luckes (SK) (NL/SK)
Preset & Webber (SK)
Sero (NL/PL)
Leia Drex (SK)
Wjazd: 10 PLN
Start: 21:00
Music: Minimal, Techno, Hard Techno, Schranz
Więcej już wkrótce!
Eye of the city haven't seen such an event yet.
We invite all techno fans to the party :
International TeCHNo party
The event is organised by Association Music of Tomorrow from Poland and Creative Urban Event from Slovakia.
Luckes (NL/SK)
Preset & Webber (SK)
Sero (NL)
Leia Drex (SK)
Entrance: 10 PLN
Start: 21:00
Music: Minimal, Techno, Hard Techno, Schranz
More coming soon!
Started with his passion to djing, when he was 15 years old.In clubs in (Košice/Slovakia), where he was born start playing in clubs.
In that time, he was under influence of commercial music, but he started to prefer dance and house music.
Break is coming in phase, when he started to visit dance actions, techno parties, where was so enchanted by music, that he wanted to become a DJ.
In 2007 he bought his first turntable decks and start playing Hardtechno from vinyl. First invitations as DJ is coming in year 2008 in Czech Republic.
He chose hardtechno as his style and he is loyal to Techno and Hardtechno untill present.
In years 2009 is Luckes starting in Slovakia hometown Košice, where he is continuing with his passion, he is getting more experience and opportunities to organise his own parties.
First promotion project is party called Hard Sound, where played DJs as Golpe, Sepromatiq, Bentech, Matthew, Withecker, Der Kayser, Hogar and others artists.
Project had 11th series which one part was also in Germany.
In year 2012 he started working for booking and Hard Sound Underground Event as Promoter.
After this experience in 2014 is Luckes starting work with old good friends for non govermental organization called Creative Urban Event which is acting in Europe cities and their clubs,
also cooperate with others non governmental organizations.Their idea is surely make Grove and Form for young people and artist.
They are organize own parties in Europe clubs, Workshops about electronic music and news from the world of industry.
Adventure began with techno of age 18 when it ruled on the stage schranz rhythms and heavy sounds of techno. in Poland was a regular at Kanty club, and took a liking to techno music events Mayday, Soundtropolis, Nature One etc ...
After leaving Poland surrounded himself with a group of people who love the same rhythms, and from 2014 he organized gigs in Rotterdam. 2015 is a turning point for him, every month plays in the Netherlands where he lives, and not only.
is one style is variable but enjoys heavy and powerful sound
since 2015, he is a member of:
Preset & Webber
These two Slovakian guys after living in Netherlands, effected by the atmosphere and energy of this country, released first track in 2013. They continue with a production on labels TCHNCTRL, Seta and Leporelo.
Mike and Rob were discovering music genres together since school. Thanks to very similar thinking, music taste and looking on the world they are able to cooperate together.
Meanwhile Rob is more focused on the way, character and a story of sets, Mike is experimenting and focusing on the sound. He is an audio engineer student of SAE Institute in Rotterdam. which helps them to reach better sound of their production. Inspired by an idea of Stroboscopis Artefacts they are trying to discover a new dimension in a music, they use to break the rule of 4/4 beat.
in 2014 with a good friend they found a non governmental organisation Creative Urban Event, focused on self development. The CUE is a platform for education where they are trying to create a community by making projects, speeches and workshops.
At the moment they most concentrate on live performance and own music, which is characteristic by experimental elements, trippy and athmospheric sounds. Project Preset & Webber is a mutual act of expressing by electronic music thanks to unlimited possibilities making sounds, loops and its combinations.
The inspiration comes from the world around them, art, books and life of people like Robert Monroe, Ekhart Tolle, Aldous Huxley.
Leia Drex
Leia Drex is young , charizmatic djane from Bratislava.
From her childhood was dedicated to art and her passion for music get from his father which is composers and performers playing on several musical instruments.
Strongly influenced Techno sound from West with eye for detail and a natural dose of energy her set has exceptional content.
She hates the stereotype sound therefore love experimenting with sounds and change it always new meaning.Her choice of songs is very strict because she follow password that techno must have "sound and energy”.
Techno is for her more than music it's culture and way of life.
coming soon!
coming soon!