Party: SAVK, The Northwest Passage, Seth Anderson - Saturday November 15th/ 9PM

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Party: SAVK, The Northwest Passage, Seth Anderson - Saturday November 15th/ 9PM

Saturday November 15, 2014
The Northwest Passage
Seth Anderson
$8/ 9PM

Raw, rough, uncomfortably honest, fast and violent, then suddenly smooth and soaring. SAVK wears his heart on his sleeve, then throws it, still beating, at the audience. This Canadian Indie act uses deep rooted flavours and combines it with international inspirations to perfectly depict his home sound. Beginning as a solo act for Stephen van Kampen after the demise of Calgary’s rock and roll orchestra “Beija Flor” SAVK’s debut self titled release is a study in vulnerable live folk rock. Now joined by an amazing team of musicians including Paul van Kampen (The Magnetic North, Beija Flor), Brett Gunther (Beija Flor, Buzzing Bees), Stefan Smith (Crescent Heights, Coldwater) and Matt Chaplin (Prairie of Prax, Joule). SAVK has just recently released their anticipated sophomore record “Love Letters and Hate Mail” to rave reviews and critical acclaim.

The Northwest Passage
The Northwest Passage has captured an intimate portrait of life through song. Paul van Kampen (lead vocalist, pianist and the creative force behind the band) pulls inspiration from real experiences, and shares them through a lens of vivid imagination. Daniel Wilson (drums), Darren Young (double bass / guitar) and Laura Reid (violin) breathe life into each song with their complex, visceral arrangements.

The songs unfold like chapters of a book, and you are taken away through the sincerity of the melodies, the artistry of the composition and the honesty of the lyrics.

Set sail with The Northwest Passage as they make waves in Canada’s indie-rock music scene.

Seth Anderson

Invited: Joanna Leigh, Kallen Law, Dawn Daniels, Alison Innis, Sean Parker, Matt Mosley, Nick Waterbury, Dustin Port, Sarah Katz, B.a. Johnston, Rebecca Yarmoloy, Jim Button, Maryse Fortin, Amelia Steiger, Lindsay Jane Hagerman, Cam Thorpe, Fawn Nesbitt-Frei, Kylee Briggeman, Mike Aggro, Jourdan Cunningham, Blake Ransom show more »
