Party: Open Mic Night
Main page > Music Session Every Thursday In Rushden Cons - Starts 9 > Open Mic Night
Come and join in the FUN !!!
Invited: John Hynes, Peter Clamp, Ash Green, Ashley Brittin, Lulu Shwartzer Daniels, Jay Howe, Andrew Read, Oliver Handley, Neil Richardson, Max Read, Alistair Sutcliffe, Denise Gordon, Andy Lovell, Leighton Bobby Cousins, Martin Brooks, Broken Shackle Tabernacle, Jonathon Cebula, Ali McFifi, Brad Bradstock, Ross Alexander II, Spanner Spabbs, Jamie Johnston, Peter Nighteagle, Nigel Hart, Rebecca May, Russ Palmer, Phinesta Marie Traylor-Speed, Sunil Panchal, Julia Sniffalot Lock, Melanie Jane Page, Clinton Kai Burn, Nick Phipp, Alex Novak, Lee Sturgess, Amy Wyke, Tom Purr, Jane Cooke, Mike Driscoll, Rachel Chadwick, Stefanie Stiffypeas Tuffnail, Michelle Ferguson, Stephan Skn, Graham Nicholls, Andrew Bassey, Craig Cotter, Maria Sturgess, Rob Matheson, Christine Anne MacLeavy, Jon Delaney, Donna Bond, Will Broughton, Andy Wreford, Marco Martinelli, Eliot Carlton Johashen, Keith Stafford, Keith Andrew Shouler, Holly Beau Ambler, Ellie Jelly, Adelle Kirk, Peter Marchant, Andy Hibbins, Susan Baigent, Jason Simon Oliver, Chris Naden, Sarah Pickering, Gary Clarke, Paul Russell, Patricia Cole Ashton, Biggsy Vocalist, Adam Wright, Bob Lucas, David Annis, Warren Smith, Chris Blakemore, Rowan Gosnal-Tyler, Aisha Daisy, Justin Thyme, Jane Eames, Mark Scott, Russ Russell, Neil Fellowes, Pop Spencer, Starski Guitar, Daniel Darrell Perriman, Paula Kemp, Martin Tomkins, Mr.Captain Proton, Songmartin Doherty, Steve Fish, Ryan Love, Geoff J. Tooley, Carrie Mclellan, Andy Coupland, Mike Hogie Hogan, Colin Henwood, Ian Stringer, Bea Price, Tracey Newell, David Williams, Russ Webb BW DrumSchool show more »