Party: REVIVAL | 15.11.2014. | MINT

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Party: REVIVAL | 15.11.2014. | MINT

Our resident team GroovyMan and Funkin' Blue are introducing some great guests this saturday.

Erdinger on discount 'till 2am. See you in the dark. Doors open at MIDNIGHT!

- GroovyMan
- Funkin' Blue
- MrBrownie
- Tea and Bisqits
- Pavle

Invited: Pavle Jaksic, Viktor Rankovic, Jelena Kostic, Marko Jankovic, Slobodan Joković, NEmanja Vojvodic, Patroklos Mouchtaropoulos, Jovana Arsenov, Milica Acimovic, Dimitris Vlachos, Noa Segre, Jelena Jovicevic, Vanjezi Vanja, Tanja Radovic, Ina Stojanovic, Igor Popovic, Vladimir Vlado Luković, Ninela Radonjic, Milica Popovic, Valentina Vuković, Miljan Vekic show more »
