Party: Juhana Iivonen (Finland)
Main page > Mein Haus am See > Juhana Iivonen (Finland) @ Handmade Music im Haus am See
Upcoming: 1
Date: 12.11.2014 20:30
Address: Brunnenstr. 197/198 - Ecke Torstr. 125, Berlin, Germany | show on the map »
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Early 2008 i decided to do something with loads of the songs that i had been written over the years. I met a producer and guitarist Aki Haarala and after he had heard few of my tunes we decided to go to a countryside studio in Hollola for a long weekend to record songs with sound engineer Mika Seger. It was a good session and we continued to work in an other countryside studio session in Porvoo. Next Autumn, we had a record done and it was released by Ruuhi Records. After releasing i made a tour in Middle Europe including shows in Germany, France, England and Switzerland and also toured in Finland.
2010 i was invited to play in Bremen FolkArtNow festival and was sharing a stage same night with Italian songwriter Gipsy Rufina. We shared also same accommodation and shared few beers. Had fun together and decided to do a summer tour in Finland. Fulfilled the line-up with songwriter Lotta from Oulu we had a great two weeks tour drivin` couple of thousands kilometers across the country. Later on that summer we got an invitation from Antwerpen, Belgium by Peter Acoustic to do a split record together. We did it in project studio build in an old horse stable. Record was named after this recording place - Madam Fortuna and it was released by Aelice Recordings. 2011 we made long tour together including Finland and some Middle Europe.
While making time to time some solo tours i started to write songs hearing a small band playing those. Decided to produce myself a band record. In summer 2012 i gathered a group of musicians; Aki Haarala (guitar), Anssi Ahvenniemi (bass), Emil Luukkonen (Organs) and Mikael Seire (drums) and we went to Seawolf Studios in Helsinki to make some basic tracks. It was a great session and after few months we continued work in a Mankku Studio in Porvoo to make some overtracking. After some great mixing work of Mikko Raita we found out to have two EP`s done. Dust And A Smile EP and Native One EP.
September 2013 i toured with Tim Holehouse from UK in Czech Republic and Germany. In Germany we had a show in Weimar at club Kasseturm, that is a very special room in a cellar of Medieval tower, and that show was recorded by Arne Lakenmacher. It was a good feeling show, and so after some Arnes great soundwork, it`s now released as a live album.
These 3 latest records - Dust And A Smile EP, Native One EP and Live At Kasseturm album are all self-released and available as a downloads in Bandcamp and as a CDs from my shows.
... and there`s a tiny abondoned Chapel in Antwerpen, Belgium waiting for to capture some new songs. It will be almost summer by then ... :)
Invited: Ossi Schröder, Andi Fins, Carine Decoster, Martti Trillitzsch, Ulla Bürger, Thore Flock, Ju Les, Florian Holoubek, Jyrki Juhana Iivonen, Craig Bjerring, Kateřina Kocurková, Tim Neuhaus, Janina Tänzer, Kristine Kaiser, Doreen Mueller, MadameClaude Berlin, Woodland Recordings, Thomas Kurt Müller, Miriam Steinborn, Hannah AyakoSulamith, Ibi Love, Giulia Demattè, Michael Steinrücke, Laura Schnaiscar, Jessica Jack, Michael Kaffei, Alla F. Bahrann, Flørian Bicking, Matthias Labus, Franzi Trunk, Pi Pa PO, Toni Frotscher, Achja von Wegen, Franz Rodeck, Klaus Frahm, Aglaja Stegmann, Berliner Kunstverein, Antonio Paci, Gitte Burkel, Conrad Meinheimer, Natali Lyschinskaya, Ad Hoc, Pia Lichtenheldt, Gerd Brumm, ValentinStüberl Neukölln, Monika Mahr, Peter Mirtschew, Folkartnow Spedition, Kati Haak, Sebastian Kummer, Claudio Christus, Juha T. Koskinen, Angela Irgendwer, Alex Berger, Katharina Schulze, Artour Ette, Finns NMusic show more »