Party: It's Your Show with DELICIOUS LADIES / 25.10.2014

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It's Your Show with DELICIOUS LADIES / 25.10.2014

Club: Heaven Timisoara

Upcoming: 96
Date: 25.10.2014 23:00
Address: , Timisoara, Romania | show on the map »

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MADNESS PARTY BY VICTOR DIAZ 00:00 @ Life!Pub Timisoara

Party: It's Your Show with DELICIOUS LADIES / 25.10.2014

✭✭✭✭✭ It's Your Show ✭✭✭✭✭
<3 <3 <3 DELICIOUS LADIES <3 <3 <3

Sambata, 25 Octombrie
ora 23:00
Heaven the Club
Tarif bilete:
Gratis pentru doamne si domnisoare
20 Lei pentru domni
Info si Rezervari:
0755 / 432 836
0733 / 432 836

Invited: Codrutzu Codrut, Anita Bejenaru, Diana Sporea, Grosu Adrian Marius, Jurca Adrian, Ervin Boer, Ionut Mitelea, Chivu Daniel, Laura Dinculeasa, Andrei Andreea Mihaela, Raul Pascu, Maura Pop, Petru Vasile Binder-Prisecariu, Vladut Vlad, Maria Cotuna, Bianca Marian, Geanina Juganaru, Diana Zdritea, Hayri Erdem, Ghassan Aswad, Alexandra Timiş show more »
