Party: Friday! Ramriddlz Hosts Happy Ending Fridays

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Party: Friday! Ramriddlz Hosts Happy Ending Fridays

23-year old Toronto artist Ramriddlz hosts Happy Ending Fridays with residents Yurie, Flores & LeChance Friday, December 22nd.

* Late Show 19+ / Doors 10pm *

Livestock Room: The Bounce

Tickets are on sale NOW ~
Hardcopies ~ Red Cat, Beatstreet, Zulu & Neptoon

Sponsored by Blueprintlive, Absolut, Livestock, Do604, Funktion-One (Official) & Good Company Lager.

Catch all the action on IG at @blueprintlive & Fortune Sound Club

Note there is an early all ages show 6:30pm-9:30pm
