Party: Flux || 26.09.15 || Y Plas

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Party: Flux || 26.09.15 || Y Plas

It's Freshers. And we're back. Simple.

By now you've probably visited the little knees up we host on a Saturday. And if you haven't, well... we can't even.

For our 2nd birthday we're bringing you an extra special serving of Flux. This year we promise only one thing - to be bigger and bolder than we have ever been before. We've got a brand new DJ roster, a host of sweet themes and a whole locker of freebies to giveaway throughout the year.

Sadly we can't give you any outrageous claims about VIP tickets or which celebrities will be seen on the dance floor. Because frankly, who cares?

See you... on the dance floor x


Over 18's Only
Valid Student ID/Driving License/Passport required
Open to anyone with a Valid Student Card, from any University including Cardiff Met and USW, or guests of Cardiff University Students
R.O.A.R // B.Y.O.B (Bring Your Own Banter)

Tweet/Instagram your pictures to @FluxCardiff
