Party: The Dudes Annual Christmas Special with Port Juvee & Pizza Bath

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Party: The Dudes Annual Christmas Special with Port Juvee & Pizza Bath

X92 presents The Dudes Annual Christmas Special with Port Juvee and Pizza Bath

Where: Palace Theatre
219 8 Ave SW, Calgary
When: Friday December 22, 2017
Age: 18+
Doors: 9:00pm
Admission: $20.00 Advance Available at or
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This celebration happens once a year. It's festive, amazing and fills the holiday with joy. Family and friends 'tis the season...

The Dudes
The dudes are legit. They make rock songs that come from the most closely guarded vaults of the emotional banks. They sing about the triumph of good over no good. They trumpet the march of the working class lady. They tell stories of love gained and lost, knife fights, cops and kindness. The dudes want you to see them play live. They would like you to laugh and dance. After the show, they want to give you a high five. Matt will teach you a special handshake. Bob will ask you for your phone number. They used to have a brown van that took them across canada thrice. Now its paid the price. She's sitting along the highway at a petrocan in Winnipeg and the last they checked, the doors were still unlocked. You know, if you want to go sit in it or something. Soon they will come to your town in a blue van. Will you be there? Maybe sleep on your floor?

Port Juvee

'Garage rock genius” – Beatroute Magazine

"One of the finest garage ensembles out of Calgary to ever grace the stage" – Sled Island Music Festival Guide

“A tireless vibe that does not let down” – Culture Collide NYC

“Their songs aren’t just catchy, but thought provoking and knee shaking” – Earshot!

“The secret weapon for getting people to actually dance a shows” – Now Magazine Toronto

Pizza Bath
Just a couple buds sharing some suds.

Viciously energetic, Pizza Bath is a four piece punk rock outfit that mixes fast rock riffs with sweet and sour vocals. There are saucy sing along choruses, spicy harmonies and savoury guitars all spread on top of lyrical dough, leavened by the existential struggles that come with finding purpose in life.

The Pizza Bath recipe is about finding a ray of light in the dark, a means to activate the yeast and cause the dough to rise. As the chorus of the song 'Water To The Shore' states, “Some fires they burn out, and embers they turn cold / And all stars someday explode / But from inside the black, something new is born / And we will crawl from the water to the shore.”

Pizza Bath is a celebration of the ephemeral, because one never knows when the sun might explode. Come enjoy this glimmer that is existence with us! -

*This event takes place on the territory of the Blackfoot and the people of Treaty 7 Region in Southern Alberta, which includes the Siksika, the Piikuni, the Kainai, the Tsuu T'ina and the Stoney Nakoda First Nations. Calgary is also home to the Metis Nation of Alberta, Region III.
