Party: I LOVE MY J´s - The hottest sneaker party in Germany

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I LOVE MY J´s - The hottest sneaker party in Germany

Club: Europalace Mainz-Kastel

Upcoming: 0
Date: 12.06.2015 21:00
Address: Peter-Sander-Straße 39, Wiesbaden, Germany | show on the map »

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Party: I LOVE MY J´s - The hottest sneaker party in Germany

Germany's biggest Air Jordan Party!!


The hottest sneaker party in Germany is back at your favorite Club @ Europalace Mainz-Kastel!!!
We will give away Jordan T-Shirts, backpacks, socks, giftcards and much more!!
You also have the chance to win A FREE PAIR OF AIR JORDAN SNEAKER IN YOUR SIZE!!

We also have a big outdoor area with bbq and outdoor bar!!
Chicken Wing Special

Early bird special:

50 % off ALL drinks until midnight ( 21:00 - 24:00 h )

You don't want to miss this!!!

On the Turntables:

DJ B-Rome
DJ Spectra
DJ Physique

Hosted by: Cameraman The Rapper

Friday, June 12.
Doors Open: 21:00 h

Peter Sander Str. 39
55252 Mainz Kastel