Party: Sat 25 Nov Dybbuk | &ME, Dj Angelo, Da Mike

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Party: Sat 25 Nov Dybbuk | &ME, Dj Angelo, Da Mike

Dybbuk & Global Fantasy proudly present the brilliant &ME from KEINEMUSIK Berlin! Along with Dj Angelo & Da Mike!

Tο Dybbuk σε συνεργασία με την Global Fantasy παρουσιάζουν το Σάββατο 25 Νοεμβρίου 2017, τον διάσημο Βερολινέζο dj, remixer και παραγωγό &ME!
Ο &ME αυτή τη στιγμή θεωρείται ένα από τα πιο hot ονόματα στο χώρο της underground dance μουσικής σκηνής. Μέλος της ξεχωριστής κολεκτίβας Keinemusik, μαζί με τους εξαιρετικούς Rampa & Adam Port, με εμφανίσεις στα πιο διάσημα φεστιβάλ του κόσμου, όπως BPM Festival, Timewarp, Circoloco, Awakenings, DGTL αλλά και residency σε ένα από τα καλύτερα club του κόσμου, το Hi Ibiza!
Οι προσωπικές του παραγωγές υποστηρίζονται από τους καλύτερους dj's και παραγωγούς στον κόσμο! Sven Vath, Maceo Plex, Solomun, Black Coffee, Damian Lazarus και πολλοί ακόμη, έχουν σταθερά στην playlist τους τα κομμάτια του &ΜΕ, ο οποίος συνδυάζει άψογα την house με την techno μουσική!
Παραμόνη του event κυκλοφορεί το πολυαναμενόμενο πρώτο προσωπικό album της Keinemusik (&ΜΕ, Rampa, Adam Port) με τίτλο You Are Safe!

Το event θα πλαισιώσουν οι residents της Global Fantasy, Dj Angelo & Da Mike.


When one could assume, &ME entered the House and Techno world somewhat out of the blue, it is due to his sublime modesty that’s already captured in his alias. His way to become one of
today’s most praised and sought after DJ/producers is based on a solid foundation. To make common cause with Fetisch, delivering beats for their joint venture Terranova and releasing EPs
and an album on Kompakt plus his collaborations with Nic Fanciulli and releases on Saved Records and his project NR& with fellow producer Rampa and singer Nomi (Hercules & Love Affair, Jessica 6) are just a few milestones of that path.

Not to forget his solo productions, that made himself a name in a quite unparalleled way. “F.I.R.” – his first release on Keinemusik, a collective of Berlin based DJs and producers, including Rampa,
Adam Port, David Mayer, Reznik & artist Monja Gentschow, he helped founding in 2009, was a massive clubhit, but in the end not much more than a foretaste of things to come. With productions on various labels, his reputation as a gifted producer and DJ extraordinaire spread into international realms, and that’s where he stands right now, as his blend of Techno and soulful House music took incredible shape: Many new projects in focus and clearly visible as one of the most unique and original figures in the game!



Dj Angelo

Da Mike

Info: +306943471807

#EverythingButNormal #Dybbuk #Stadiou7 #Athens
