Party: OLDIES ON TOP - Retro Night w/ Ciprian Albu

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OLDIES ON TOP - Retro Night w/ Ciprian Albu

Club: Divino Glam Club

Upcoming: 13
Date: 26.06.2015 23:00
Address: Calea Prutului Nr. 9, Galati, Romania | show on the map »

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Party: OLDIES ON TOP - Retro Night w/ Ciprian Albu

VINERI 26 Iunie - OLDIES ON TOP - DivinoSummerClub

Vinerea aceasta conceptul #retro revine in DivinoSummerClub.

Cele mai tari hit-uri ale tuturor timpurilor le poti asculta Vinerea aceasta in DivinoSummerClub

Hosted by Ciprian Albu


►Rezervari / Table Booking
0731 80 80 70

1 Bottle of Smirnoff + Nectar 145 Lei
1 Bottle of J&B + 4 Cola 175 Lei
1 Bottle of Jaggermeister + 6 Redbull 300 Lei

*Alege sa iti sarbatoresti ziua de nastere sau orice alt eveniment important din viata ta in DivinoSummerClub iar noi iti pregatim surprize si discount-uri
For any other details please check only our official page:
