Party: Decadance pres. 'Absurd'

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Party: Decadance pres. 'Absurd'

Decadance presents:

▬▬▬▬ A B S U R D ▬▬▬▬

Another Saturday night, another chance to neverending partying, wild dancing, letting out the beast inside of you. Some people call it absurd. We call it Decadance.


Line up

- Main -

23h - 02h Dimension SiX

02h - 04h Double U Jay

04h - 06h Trixy - Lab.105db

06h - end PETE HOWL

- Zanzi -

00h - end Rupert Harvey vs JLN



Want to be part of this madness for FREE? Send an absurd message to one of our dj's and you're name will be on the guestlist.


Overpoort, Gent

