Party: The Outpost - Open Day

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The Outpost - Open Day

Club: Cerberus Airsoft

Upcoming: 11
Date: 28.12.2014 09:00
Address: , City of Bradford, United Kingdom | show on the map »

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Party: The Outpost - Open Day

Our final event of 2014, and a chance to play with all your new toys from Christmas (if you got any)

The Outpost is our preferred site for smaller faster games with the possibility of taking the role of a Tier One unit in the Wolfshead Challenges

With the location being primarily a Paintball site a lot of structures have been constructed ranging from a small hut like buildings to an entire fortress. Alongside a set of steel oil drums (dubbed the POL depot) and the Aztec zone from our old GreenZone location.

As always there are more locations coming into play dependent on timings and whatever guest numbers our colleagues on the Paintball side have.

At this location you can expect a lot of short rapid turnaround games over one or two locations and the possibility of gaming in the less used areas around the perimeter.

Invited: Sam Temple, Wing Pang, Kris Arnold, Callum Kennedy, Kris Walker, Arnie ArniesAirsoft, Spike Lewin, Sean Tackleberry Dooley, Morethan Freeman, Kev Waterhouse, Andy McFarlane, Ian Vanoorschot, Michael Rivera, Toby Mcclane, Dan Burns, Daniel Collier, Alex MacCunn, Andy Nuttall, Danny Tu Fife, Shane Palmer ッ, Richard Rommel Hoggard show more »
