Party: NETSKY feat. Script MC

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Party: NETSKY feat. Script MC

2R2E Promotions & Team Play pres. NETSKY
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Gourski Birthday Set! (Bass:Ism, Revolte!)
Arsonist (2R2E, Spinning Time, Mannheim)
Void (40Hz Records/ PLAY!)
Rascal MC (PLAY!)

Der belgische DJ und Produzent Netsky gilt als prominentester Vertreter des sogenannten Liquid Funk. Im Bootshaus wird er ein DJ-Set abliefern, das seinen einzigartigen Sound repräsentiert; mit druckvollem Sound, großartigen Melodien und abwechslungsreichen Vocals schafft Netsky ein musikalisches Gesamtbild, das auch Menschen zu begeistern weiß, die bisher für gebrochene Beats nur bedingt ein offenes Ohr hatten. Unterstütz wird er dabei von MC Script aus London, der auch Mitglied der offiziellen Netsky-Band ist.

Datum: Freitag, 22.05.2015

Location: Bootshaus, Auenweg 173, 51063 Köln

Beginn: 23.00 Uhr

TICKETS an allen bekannten VVK- Stellen deutschlandweit oder direkt online unter diesem Link erhältlich:

Early Bird Tickets: 15,00 € (zzgl. Gebühren)
Regular Tickets: 17,90 € (zzgl. Gebühren)
Abendkasse: 20,00 €


Rarely have we seen someone rise through the ranks as quickly as Boris Daenen, a.k.a Netsky. Leading a wave of new skool D+B talent from Europe with his blend of uplifting, melancholic melodies and heavy dancefloor bass + beats, Netsky’s popularity is astounding. A celebrity in his own country, he has received numerous awards and accolades and continues to impress audiences across the world with his Netsky LIVE! show with full band. Netsky signed exclusively to Hospital in late 2009; his first release was the iconic “Memory Lane” (as featured on “Sick Music 2′′ in 2010) and this was swiftly followed up by his chart topping debut album – “Netsky”– in May of the same year. Following virtually unanimous praise and hype from all corners of the globe, it plunged Netsky firmly into the limelight, where he has remained ever since, delivering a potent mix of dancefloor anthems, vocal led classics and that clean cut new jungle sound which has become his trademark. Since then, Netsky’s profile as a remixer has been affirmed by his huge remixes of ubiquitous club anthems such as Pendulum – “Witchcraft”, Plan B, Leftfield – “Release The Pressure”, Audio Bullies – “Only Man”, Swedish House Mafia – “One”, Jessie J – “Nobody’s Perfect” and Rusko – “Everyday” and more. Alongside all this, is Netsky’s hectic DJ schedule and he seems to have a Midas touch, able to transform even the most subdued of parties into an ecstatic, bouncing rave within a matter of minutes. It is no coincidence that he was nominated for the Radio One ‘Essential Mix Of The Year’ in 2010. In April 2012, Netsky unveiled the incredibly impressive Netsky LIVE! show at Hospitality Brixton – a full live show with a band which he continues to tour the world with, having completed tours of the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. The highly anticipated sophomore album “2” landed late in June 2012 and immediately hit the UK Top 30 and No. 1 in his home country of Belgium, later going on to reach platinum sales. 2013 has seen the ascension of Netsky LIVE! to even greater heights, with a highlight being the sell-out stadium show at the Lotto Arena in April. One thing’s for sure, 2015 is looking to be another golden year for Belgium’s premium D+B export

more infos:

Einlass ab 18 Jahren!

Invited: Nadja Hippe, Gerrit, Lars Karlsson, Chris Van de Light, Julian Burgwinkel, Julia Vermöhlen, Till Milski, Kosta Hund, Timo M. Schmidt, Michael Friesen, Philipp Lnzn, Olli Wa, Sarah Temme, Justus Fabian, Darwin Damaschke, Momo Brainless, Don Kyryl Liman, Seba Topfstedt, Dennis Schulz, Daniel Valder, Adi Das show more »
